Friday, November 16, 2007
balik kampung lagi
I am very happy to be home and with loved ones again. Especially because this had been a rough year for me. Entahlah part mana yang rough tu mak pun tataw. Tapi mak rasa drained la....
Well, at least I get to rejuvenate. Alhamdulillah. I really need this break.
My mom's place takde Streamyx. So I won't be online till I am back here again.
Kalau ada rezeki, panjang umur, insyaAllah aku akan pi jumpa kengkawan. Tapi biasalah aku kan kalau b alik sama macam bertapa je kat umah tu tak kuar-kuar.
Anyways, see you people again soon.
Lots of love and hugs,
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
This is when I answered NO to the same question.
Look how a bad relationship between parents and children can fuck someone up...
But I am still narcissistic. Muahahahaha.... I'm just glad that I am not totally alone in this.
she who bleeds
I didn’t need the pain
Once or twice was enough
And it was all in vain
Time starts to pass
Before you know it you’re frozen
But something happened
For the very first time with you
My heart melts into the ground
Found something true
And everyone’s looking round
Thinking I’m going crazy
But I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open
Trying hard not to hear
But they talk so loud
Their piercing sounds fill my ears
Try to fill me with doubt
Yet I know that the goal
Is to keep me from falling
But nothing’s greater
Than the rush that comes with your embrace
And in this world of loneliness
I see your face
Yet everyone around me
Thinks that I’m going crazy, maybe, maybe
But I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open
And it’s draining all of me
Oh they find it hard to believe
I’ll be wearing these scars
For everyone to see
I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
Can we possibly bleed love?
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
thanks be to God
Kak L tak jadi letak jawatan. Thanks to her special someone, she said.
Apa-apa pun, me and the boss are happy that she finally changed her mind after so much coaxing from us not to let go of her position because she is the best at that and there is no one else in the school who can do the job as she can.
We are very happy and content.
I am extremely happy and content with her decision. Very.
Now that is out of my system, I wanna merepek some more.
Hari ini sepatutnya hari ke empat aku puasa. Tapi, aku started having my periods. Most people would say bummer. Dah separuh hari! Tapi aku tak terasa apa pun. Aku ajak kengkawan pergi kantin and belanja mereka makan lagi.
I just miss the detox sensation I had during Ramadhan; the light-headed clarity of everything. And I also can get some pahala doing it to boot. But then, it is not meant to be. Tak apalah kan? Lagipun nak mula awal pun kali ni, I had been on medication for close to three weeks. There is not much I could do about that.
Satu perkara yang bermain di fikiran aku... mesyuarat guru yang akan diadakan esok. Dengan hubungan yang kurang baik antara aku dan sebahagian guru di sekolah ini ketika ini, aku agak berat untuk hadir. Tapi, aku tak pernah tak hadir mesyuarat tanpa sebab kukuh sebelum ini, seperti out station, and I am not planning to start now.
The thing is, aku bukan tak nak pergi mesyuarat. I have no problem with that. Tapi aku rasa apa yang akan diumumkan esok akan menambahkan kekeruhan keadaan. Aku pasti ramai yang akan tidak bersetuju dengan keputusan Pengetua jika dia buat keputusan untuk meneruskan rombakan jawatan pengurusan untuk tahun hadapan.
Aku dah menolak seawal bulan puasa yang lalu. Tapi bila Pengetua sukar mencari pengganti dan Kak L berkeras ingin meneruskan rancangannya, aku tersepit antara rasa tanggungjawab terhadap kawan, ketua, dan perasaan takut akan ketidakmampuanku untuk memikul tanggungjawab yang sebegitu besar.
Aku tak boleh terus merasa takut akan kegagalan. Aku tak boleh terus bersedih dengan keadaan yang sedang berlaku antara aku dan mereka. Aku pasti perkara ini boleh diselesaikan dengan masa dan usaha yang lebih dari aku. Aku pasti boleh melakukannya dengan bimbingan Kak L dan Pengetua.
Tapi aku kena belajar untuk lebih banyak bersabar, untuk tidak terlalu lancang bila bersuara, untuk lebih pandai berdiplomasi dengan kakitangan bawah jagaanku. Untuk mengorbankan sebahagian besar egoku, if I really want to make this work. After all, an excellent leader does not simply lead, they command admiration as well. Takkan aku nak terus-terusan dengan sikap panas baran aku je. Mereka bukan sekadar manusia biasa, mereka adalah rakan sejawatan yang sewajarnya aku hormati dan hargai. I am not a leader yet, but if I am planning to get there, I will have to start learning how to do it properly now.
I will re-read N's leadership books. Shackelton's Way is an excellent book. But my retaining ability is close to nothing. Cemano nak sambung Master's Degree nieh???
Namun keputusan muktamad masih di tangan Pengetua. Dia nampak lega bila aku bersetuju tadi, demi kegembiraan Kak L dan kesenangan Pengetua. Tapi keputusan Kak L hanya akan kami dapat tahu pagi esok. Sama ada dia betul-betul akan melepaskan jawatan ini untuk mengambil jawatan lain atau akan bertahan setahun lagi sebelum Pengetua bersara, itu semua di tangan Kak L dan Pengetua. Terlalu banyak yang aku perlu lakukan untuk unit aku yang belum aku lunaskan. Tapi kalau dah tiba masanya, aku terpaksa lepaskan juga, tapi aku tetap akan membimbing penggantiku.
Aku tak gembira menerimanya. Tapi demi melihat sejauh mana kemampuan aku dalam bidang ini, I am ready to take this on. I am only 31. I will need a lot of help.
Kita tengoklah nanti macamana esok. Apa pun keputusannya, aku tetap akan berusaha untuk memperbaiki diri dan keadaan. Aku tak mau jadi penyebab pecah-belahnya rakan-rakan sekerja atas kesilapan dan kelemahan diri aku sebagai manusia.
Tapi, aku dah berada di sini semenjak tahun 1999. Rasanya everything was great between me and everyone else. Tapi tahun ni segala masalah bermula sebaik dia keluar dari rumah kami. Is it really 100% my fault, atau ada manusia yang amat tak berpuas hati dengan apa yang berlaku antara kami yang mula melakukan sesuatu di belakangku?
You be the judge.
But I will do everything in my power to work things out and be a better person, friend, co-worker, woman, daughter, sister, everything.
Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, give me the strength to overcome this obstacle in my life.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Why are we drawn into relationships when we were fine being on our own in the first place only to find that any kind of ambiguity in the relationship will throw us off-balance or leave us questioning the other's commitment in the whole thing and questioning ourselves if we have made a wise decision in finally having the faith for someone to enter your safe zone; your life?
Why? Is the urge procreate that strong? Is it really procreation that is the driving force behind it all?
Aku malas nak fikir ni semua. All I want is to be happy and not be bogged down by all this shit concerning other people.
Maybe I just hate being vulnerable. Maybe I don't trust people. What is wrong being vulnerable, Lina? Well, for starters, when you are vulnerable, it means you are allowing people to hurt you.
What is wrong with being hurt once in a while? Nothing, it just sucks. And the time and effort it takes to heal, I can always invest in something else.
But when you trust someone enough to give him your heart, that tells him that he should be very careful with it. Does it really matter to him? That much? That he would bother to be careful with something that is not his?
Why do we have to 'give' someone our heart when we are in a relationship. Why can't we keep our heart and still love that person?
Apa aku merapu ni?
I am feeling neglected. And a certain silent reader of mine said I am just rafting in Denial. Which is not the river that runs through Egypt.
Fine, granted we can always drop everything and head for the hills the moment we smell something fishy going on. But then where is the struggle in that? And why do I have to listen to him when he himself admits that he does the bastardly thing himself. No offense, dude, I am not calling you a liar or anything.
But really, for the time being, let me take this cruise down De nial if it really is, and when I am sure for having been there myself, I will do the right thing. No, it won't be letting him into my pants.
Sebab... aku tak suka mengikut telunjuk orang. Aku rela tersungkur dan bangun sendiri later on dari dengar kata orang sewenang-wenangnya. Itu pasal la Encik R oi... But thanks for the valuable point of view mu ittew.
And he said I have wishful thinking some more. Dey! This man can make me mad sometimes lah. But then I can't blame him for giving me his opinion on the matter. Siapa suruh aku menggatai bukak mulut bertanya dia ittew inniew in the first place? So, padan la muka akkiew.
Hur hur hur. Aku mengantuk. Ada 3 hari lagi nak puasa. Moga-moga my periods lewat lagi macam biasa, dapatlah aku habiskan puasa 6 aku tahun inniew. Auw!
Monday, November 5, 2007
If I continue being that way, I don't think I belong in here either.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
bday wish
bubur nasi
Thank you, Bella for the phone call. It was greatly appreciated, I assure you. I just felt guilty that I was not the one to call you first.
Hari ni, later on, after school, before we could all leave for the day, the school held the dress rehearsal for the Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah that is going to be held tomorrow morning. I feel left out, from the preparation sebab I had been away since Monday. Lagipun ever since I held this post, I have been put on the protocol committee. In short, just be there, be nice to the VIP guests, and try to be pretty. Hahaha...
Tapi tadi tengok mereka kelam kabut part susunan pelajar yang akan naik ke pentas. So as usual, I took charge of the situation. To the chagrin of the people who had been doing the job since last week. I don't care what they think of me anymore. I know they think I am evil no matter what I do. Besides, I don't want them to be kelam-kabut tomorrow morning when the ceremony is in progress. Even before this pun, the boss puts me in charge of putting order in chaos. Korang tak suka tak apa, yang pentingnya, I am good at that, so it doesn't really matter if you like it or not, I am just gonna give you guys a hand anyway.
And I also gave pointers to the performing teams too. I am afraid that their being tardy (as per custom here) that they would ruin the flow of the program. They assured me that they will do their best not to screw up. Fine with me. I like tegur something BEFORE it became shit and too late to rectify. I hope they will do good because they were good petang tadi.
Tadi Bella called and told me that she is being kidnapped by two of her friends for a nice dinner at KLCC. She is one lucky girl. I may sound like I envy her, but then if you can remember, I don't celebrate my birthdays. Consequently, I hardly remember other people's birthdays too. Rendering thoughtless. Memang thoughtless la to most people's standards. Well, it's just not a big tradition when I grew up, and it is sad that people in my life feel like they are unimportant to me when I don't remember their birthdays. But that's just the way it is. The way I am. Maybe it is a bad tradition to you, but I don't think I care that much to want to make that change.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I am not against celebrating birthdays. Far be it. I just don't need to be reminded that I am a year older and therefor will have to learn to act my age when I really, really do not know HOW to act my age. All I know is that age does slow me down and that is a good thing because I don't think I wanna act like a 16 year old giggly girl who fidgets non-stop when I am at this age.
Anyway, Bellas asked me what did I have for dinner. I said;
She said, "Are you sick or something?"
"Oh, no, no.... I just feel the urge for bubur nasi, that's all. Mengidam."
Somehow, that managed to leave Bella a little stumped.
I guess living in KL where there is scrumptious morsels of food everywhere you turn, bubur nasi would be the last thing in anyone's mind for the perfect dinner. Oh come on, it is not a perfect dinner. But then that was what I felt the urge for and I had gone out of my way to look for all the condiments that I loved to take with the bubur nasi.
Black beans, pickled lettuce, telur masin, century eggs even, daun bawang (ya amat la susahnya nak dapat di Lawas ni, tapi lucky me, hari ni Thursday, my friend yang jual sayur at the market tu memang pergi Kundasang ambil sayur on Thursdays, so untuk my open house Sabtu ni, I borong RM6. I said borong, sebab aku pun terkejut RM6 tu rupanya dapat banyak sangat. Kaget aku!) bawang goreng, and tiny slivers of ginger, and a dash of sesame oil. I guesss just a healthy conscious chinese person would see that as something sedap. I don't know. tapi kalau dah mengidam, ada orang boleh makan sabun mandi, apa?
And bubur nasi malam ni sangat sedap to me. Jangan risau, Bella. I don't eat bubur nasi every night of my life here. Promise! In fact, dah lebih setahun semenjak the last time I had this bubur attack. Maybe sebab I had some bubur nasi at the hotel where I stayed last time I was in Miri kut?
Balik rumah, I just masak secawan beras dengan air, and started chopping the daun bawang, the century eggs, rebus telur, hiris halia and tak sabar-sabar menunggu buburnya siap. Hahahaha...
Burphrhrhrhrhrh.... excuse me for being so pleasantly filled.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
touch down
The course was funny.
Monday, you fly in, check-in and were supposed to attend a housekeeping briefing at 8pm. But after dinner, that was canceled.
Tuesday, we were supposed to have a whole full day of slots followed by a workshop in the evening. But that was canceled too. So we had the morning slots as usual, which we sped through like nobody's business, and then the afternoon slots and evening workshop was canceled.
That was great news for us, really. And the organizer admitted this morning that it's all right because everything is in the module and we're called in for the course so that we would be given some breather before we embark on this adventure. But the problem is, we were both dreading the fact that there would be one whole afternoon AND evening of free time when someone we both knew from way back when we first started off in this job as an avid salesperson.
This person can sell things like no one can. And she will dog you until you relent and take her goods and part with your money just to shut her up. I myself had to buy foundation I didn't need and a whole set of make up brush I already had! They cost me a bomb way back then when I first started out, but I paid up anyway because she wouldn't stop calling me at home, at work. She scared me into buying those things, I tell you!
On Monday night, we met her at the dinner table. We thought she would be different, since it has been 6 years since we last met her. Surely, she would have changed!
So when she offered us a ride to the mall (my roommate had to get some stuff for her kids and I myself had to get some basmathi rice for our coming open house since there is none in Lawas) said okay. We really could have taken the taxi. We really should have!
That night, I started having the coughs again. Knowing that she might weasel her way into our room tonight to sell her wares (she had started touting her magnificent magnetic health bracelet on the way to the mall! *shiver*shiver*) that night after the mall visit, I maxed up the coughing and even threw in "Oh! I think I am gonna die, tonight, with all this coughing."
That was enough to scare her into not coming to our room that night. In all seriousness, I was getting a little sick; with my nose running and the coughing starting to sound scarily pleghmatic (is that even a word?) and all I wanted to do was take my med, pump my lungs with the inhaler and go to sleep.
But that Tuesday, she's already asked s if we were going anywhere that afternoon. We said we were gonna go to another mall cuz the things we were looking for weren't at the mall we went the night before. Actually, we spent the hot afternoon taking a long nap.
Malam tu, hukuman Tuhan, kami tak dapat tido sampai kul 2 am! Huhuhuhu!
Then malam tu, baru kami cadang nak keluar. Petang tu panas sangat and I hate the heat anyway. Better keluar malam kan?
Pergi dinner, then terus ambil teksi pergi Boulevard. Kul 10 baru balik ke bilik. Alhamdulillah, tak ada dia ganggu malam tu.
Rupanya esok paginya dia kata dia call kami malam tadi tapi takde orang angkat. Kami cakap la kami pergi Boulevard. Memang pun.
Hari ni lepas course, dia kata nak datang ke bilik nak jual barang. .AMIK KO! Dia terus cakap! Mak nak pengsan.
Then mak cakap, "Ala kak... kami nak kemas barang, then nak lunch, and terus ke airport."
Dia buat tak paham je.
True enough, while I was in the toilet buat business, tetiba pintu diketuk. Bertalu-talu. Mak dah kaget dah. I heard my roommate on the phone with her hubby, terus senyap. Then dah lama pintu kena ketuk, takde plak dia bagi salam ke apa ke. Tak lama lepas tu, phone bilik berbunyi. Nak kata housekeeping, iron and board dah pulang kan! Memang sah dia. I told my roommate offkan my cellphone.
Lepas tu kami lepak dua orang dalam bilik, dah siap kemas and tukar pakaian, borak sampai kul 12, terus turun lunch. Kat lunch tu dia buat-buat tak nampak dengan kami, kami pun buat yang sama kat dia. Dah habis makan, terus kami ambil teksi ke airport.
Memang aku and roommate aku tu nampak jahat dalam cerita kali ni. Tapi daripada aku sabar-sabar and tetiba meletup keluar benda tah hapa-hapa dari mulut aku yang insured for a million pounds sterling ni, kut dia kecik hati sampai mati. So in order to avoid this incident daripada jadi out of proportions, baikla aku and roommate aku buat camtu kat dia. Dia pun tak malu kat kami, kami pun tak terucap benda puaka kat dia, just because dah mati akal nak menangkis serangan jualan dia yang padu tu. We know her so well, my dear. Don't go judging us.
Kat airport, dapat flight awal sikit and Alhamdulillah, rezeki kawan aku kut, kami tak perlu kena charge. Terus naik flight kul 2.25.
While we were flying over Brunei, hujan lebat. Memang la twin otter tu naik naik turun, naik naik turun. Dah la kawan aku kat belakang tu muntah-muntah, kesian. Tapi aku tak dapat nak tolong, sempit. And aku pun tak la kecik kan? Lagipun dia ada kawan kat sebelah dia tending to her.
Tapi my roommate dah terpaut-paut kat me, so I took her hand and sauk kan in the crook of my arm, and dia put paut la kuat-kuat dengan dua tangan dia. Hai, terasa macam real mommy plak. Bila dah keluar dari area hujan tu, flight pun stabil balik and we touched down in Lawas safe and sound. I was not worried. I trust in God, lagi pun I knew that there were stories of even worse weather. Tadi tu just a little bit jer.
Bella, I can't open your blog. I guess you moved. I hope you'll let me read your blog again soon. Tapi if not, thank you for the pleasure thus far. Do take care and I wish you all the best.
Anyway, nak pergi makan tomyam. Still on the steroids and it gives me the runs!
Good night ya'll!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I said I was gonna post photos of someone I was supposed to meet up with at the airport masa nak balik ke West Malaysia for Raya kan? Ha, inilah dia.

Siapa adik yang cumil ini?

My dear friend from back in Uni, Nat. I used to ride my brother's superbike to her place pick her up and we'd go to class together. We were even in a superbike accident together and she was so proud of her battle scar, she showed it off to our friends at the final dinner party back in '99. She is one cool chick with a PADI scuba diver's certificate and a whole lot of other talents I am not gonna be able to tell ya'll here about.

Ame just going along with my antics.
This boy, I knew him way back when he was a baby. Then something happened along the way, we just decided not to contact each other until a recent death in the family brought our paths together. Glad that history did not affect our relationship that was put on hold for years afterwards. He is the same sweet little boy who used to germinate peas in wet cotton wool in plastic cups back then.

There I was in my 4-inch heels and he is still 4 inches taller than I am. Dayum!
my new nephew
Haha, that's not his real name. His name is a little nicer than that. That's just what his older brother is calling and we're all calling him that too just for the fun of it.
He's got that pout, for a reason we don't really know. But I managed to recreate it by tickling his chin with my forefinger, and that pout just comes on.
Well, this photo was way back when he hasn't learned to walk yet. He's running now. I didn't have a blog then. I do now.
Here, we were driving back from Jalan TAR after a little shopping and he was gracious enough to sit with me up front. So, apa lagi, I just whipped out my cellphone camera (masa tu belum beli digital camera lagi) and snapped away. You won't believe banyak mana photos of him I took during that ride so I can have tiny pieces of him with me bila balik ke Lawas semula.
He may look sombong, but when he smiles, he has the warmest smile there is.
I just think he is adorable.
But I still adore his older brother just the same.


Mula-mula check dulu... lepas tu... GIGIT.
pretty moth

Simply, pretty.
kitty photos
Here are photos of my kitties, past and present, and some random butterfly too.

This is my current pet cat. Her name is Mimi'. C named her, sort of. I just went along with it cuz I am not big on giving names to my pets. Mimi' rides in the car a lot. She hates it and would make a whole load of noise. Most of the time the rides are just necessary to get her to the vet or caretaker. Selalu juga la kena ketuk paler sebab bising sangat. Macam orang nak hantar pergi mam pulak.

These are Smelly and Tiger the night after they were neutered and spayed. The tranquilizer was still working, they could hardly move. Tiger, the always lovable gay cat just can't get his paws off of Smelly. Smelly is the whitish, almost sable one. She's blue-eyed and she was named Smelly cuz when W and I found her, she was ridden with worms and she kept farting.
And did she reek!

Tiger during his last few weeks of life.

The one on top, has no name. But Tiger was fast friends with him. For obvious reasons. I have another photo of them so cuddly together, but I can't seem to find it.

Patriotic Kitty.
On the ferry to Labuan last year.

Regal kitty.
She was Smelly when she was sick, but she grew into a quite pleasant smelling cat when she lost the worms after the visit to the vet. Of course, she was too pretty for her own good, we lost her after a few months. I hope she is doing okay with her new kidnapper family.

Mimi' readies herself for a lunge, I barely had time for this shot.

I love watching her sleep.

More snooze photos.

And some more...

And a little more...

One of her awake...

Some of her playing with my hand...

Still mamai...

Acting cute (which she is good at) in my laptop case.

She just has to do the 'touch the face with the paws and flip' act when she notices that either me or C were busy taking photos of her sleeping.

Kat situ pun bleh tido...

In C's seat while on the ferry to Labuan last year.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
well again
By the time I post this entry, I would be at home, showered, cleaned and dressed in something comfortable and probably tengah menjalar in my living room.
Tapi masa I taip ni, memang I am in my office.
Apa nak komplen hari ni? Opisku panas.
Kenapa panas? Sebab ada masalah wiring, so bila je aku onkan ac ku inniew, ianya akan mengakibatkan seluruh Bangunan Pentadbiran ini mengalami back-out. Dah beberapa kali berlaku, aku tak sanggup buat lagi sebab nanti habis pulak rosak komputer-komputer dalam bangunan ni gara-gara aku tak tahan panas.
Waran tiket ke Miri dah Ara siapkan. Tunggu nak pergi ambil je petang ni. Huhuhu. Dan aku pun dah semakin pulih daripada penyakit kali ini. Thanks to the steroids I am on at the moment. I wonder if it does anything to my energy levels, because it is doing wonders. Hari ni dengan suara serak-serak seksi-meksi dek hidung tersumbat dah batuk keterlaluan, aku dapat lagi menghamput beberapa orang budak lelaki yang tak reti nak keep their shirts tucked in. And aku sempat cari budak escape kat area kedai. Dapat sorang. Lagi tiga aku akan bunuh esok. Come on, when I said bunuh, takkan you all sangka I will literally kill them with my bare hands. When I said bunuh, it is just a hyperbole yang menunjukkan bahawa aku akan kerjakan mereka cukup-cukup bila mereka datang ke sekolah nanti. Kalau bukan aku yang nak meleterkan mereka ke jalan kebenaran, siapa lagi? Memang la Guru Disiplin punya kerja, tapi kalau Guru Disiplin buat senyum kambing je bila aku bukak cerita pelaksanaan disiplin kat sekolah ni, takkan aku nak biarkan je pulak, kan? Aku turun padang la sesekali.
Lagipun dah dekat dengan waktu cuti penggal ke-tiga ni, aku tak salahkan sesiapa kalau orang dah masuk mood cuti. Korang pun jangan salahkan mereka tau? Sebab kalau korang menghadap kerenah 500 orang pelajar yang pelbagai yang kebanyakkannya menyakitkan kepala selama lebih 250 hari persekolahan setiap tahun, korang pun akan rasa macam tu bila dah dekat time nak cuti panjang; sebab masa tu korang dapat menumpukan perhatian kepada keluarga tercinta, orang tersayang, percutian di destinasi idaman, minat dan hobi yang telah lama terkandas atau sekadar bermalas-malasan di rumah... apa saja yang dapat menjadi terapi untuk menyediakan diri untuk menghadapi tahun persekolahan yang seterusnya.
Aku? Kalau bercuti, banyak masa aku habiskan di rumah je. Dengan ibu, adik dan anak angkat tu. Hujung minggu, meriahlah sikit sebab ada abang balik bawak family dia, dan anak-anak buah aku lagi 2 orang tu memang tengah ligat buat nakal. Kalau ada masa aku bawa mak and adik jalan-jalan ke luar. Tapi banyak masanya, adik aku yang sibuk ajak berjalan sebab waktu cuti dia bukan ikut time Malaysia. So sesekali dapat bercuti, memang dialah yang beriya-iya mengajak aku pergi ke mana-mana. Kawan-kawan ada mengajak. Tapi selalu aku beri alasan macam-macam sebab malas nak berdress up dan keluar berpoya-poya dengan mereka sedangkan mata ni sebenarnya asyik nak tidur kat rumah je. Wahahahaha... aku memang kai tido. Kalau takde aktiviti nak meninggalkan rumah tu, takdenya aku nak berinisiatif sendiri nak pergi mana-mananya deh. Adakah aku kera sumbang? Maybe.
Padahalnya aku memang rindu kat kengkawan U dulu. Tapi aku rapat dengan sesetengahnya je. Tapi dengan mereka pun aku susah sangat nak bersua muka. Maklumlah, semuanya dah berkerjaya. Dan aku rasa hanya aku je yang masih jadi cikgu sekolah. Yang lain dah jadi pensyarah, penolong pengarah, ahli perniagaan dan sebagainya. Aku tak iri. Aku suka jadi cikgu, kan banyak cuti? Huahahaha... tapi bila difikirkan soalan cepu mas yang bakal disoal, seperti ”What’s new...?” Takkan aku nak dok jawab, ”Same old, same old?” manjang. Sebab memang takdek perbendernya yang aku nak ceritakan pung. Takkan aku nak buat-buat cerita lak, kan?
Tapi masa Bella ajak tu memang tak berapa sihat la. Lagipun masa tu masih di Tampin, kat umah uncle. By the time sampai kat rumah, aku dah tenat. Nak lunch date kehapanya,
Takpa, cuti sekolah penggal ke-tiga, aku dah diberi lampu hijau untuk cuti lebih lama dari tahun lepas oleh Pengetua. So, insyaAllah, I will make a better effort at catching up with me friends, especially J dan Bella. Aku rindu kat J, dah lama tak jumpa dia and menganyam ketupat dengan dia, bak kata Bella. Kalau aku jumpa Bella, aku nak bualkan tentang apa? Her circle of friends is totally different from mine. And frankly speaking, kalau ye la jumpa si Bella ni, dialah manusia kedua yang aku jumpa face-to-face yang mulanya kenal di internet. Kuno sangat ke aku? Well, let’s just say that I go to the internet for different reasons than she did. Oh my! Seswatu sangat! Ramai yang ajak jumpa. Tapi kebanyakkannya creepy je. So aku malas entertain ajakan berbau danger macam tu. Jadi takdelah berjumpa dengan sesiapa pung dari internet selama ini. Mak selamat, jiwa pun tenteram. Hiks!
Gigihnya aku berentry hari ni. Apsal ek? Adakah steroid ini yang telah membuatkan aku begini atau aku memang dah bebetul sihat? Apa-apa pun aku sangat gumbira hari ini sebab I am definitely feeling way better than I did on Monday. No, I am not whining. I am writing these things about me being sick, so that one day when I read these entries again, I would know that I am indeed not invincible, the way I feel most of the time when I am healthy.
Hes hes hes.
senang jadi cikgu kalau...
Ada seorang pakcik berbangsa Tiong Hua yang aku kenali dalam aktiviti anjuran Kementerian Belia dan Sukan yang aku sertai, dia bercerita kepada aku tentang anak buahnya yang juga seorang guru di sebuah sekolah di tengah Sarawak. Katanya, setiap kali berjumpa ketika bercuti, anak buahnya sering bercerita tentang perasaan kecewa dan tidak puas hati tentang profession yang diceburinya itu. Pakcik tu berpesan kepada anak buahnya, sebagai guru, tanggungjawabmu ialah mengajar. Habiskan saja sukatan tahunan, sama ada mereka pandai atau tidak, itu terpulang kepada usaha dan kehendak pelajar itu sendiri. Ketika itu kau telah pun melunaskan tanggungjawabmu terhadap tugas dan Kementerian.
Alangkah indahnya jika itu adalah sikap yang boleh aku amalkan tanpa timbul rasa bersalah. Dan aku rasa, anak buah dia pun kurang bersetuju dengan pendapat dia.
Guru bukan malaikat. Guru manusia biasa yang rela menghabiskan usianya mengajar anak bangsa. Ada juga di kalangan golongan ini yang dianugerahkan Tuhan dengan kerajinan, dedikasi dan bakat yang amat sesuai dengan kerjayanya di bidang ini yang menjadikan dia setaraf dengan ’miracle workers’. Ada masanya pengorbanan yang dia buat untuk anak-anak didiknya dibalas dengan kejayaan. Walaupun tak ada ucapan terima kasih diiringi titsan air mata dan rangkulan erat anak murid itu, guru itu tetap merasa puas, jika segala kesakitan dan kepayahan yang dia rasakan selama ini membuahkan hasil. Tapi adakalanya sesetengah guru tak mampu untuk mewujudkan the sense of wonderment dalam jiwa anak didiknya, akan bagaimana indahnya ilmu yang ditimba jika ianya dapat diguna pakai dalam kehidupan seharian. Yang mampu dibuatnya ialah menghambur semula ilmu yang telah ditelan sejak dia sendiri masih dibangku sekolah lagi. Kalau baik anak didiknya, mungkin dia ikhlas. Tapi kalau anak-anak didik yang dihadapinya setiap hari hanya baik sedikit je dari Jin Ifrit, aku tak salahkan dia jika dia mengajar dengan rasa tidak ikhlas. Jika dia rasa dia tidak dihargai. Jika dia rasa tak bersalah kalau anak-anak ini gagal di hari muka kelak. Ada sesiapa yang baca blog ini boleh terus bersikap mulia lagi murni jika setiap hari dikeji dihina dilawan diancam dikutuk? Ada sesiapa yang baca blog ini yang boleh terus bersikap penuh kasih dan simpati terhadap makhluk-makhluk bergelar manusia ini jika setiap hari disajikan jamuan yang menyakitkan mata, telinga dan hati?
Aku bukan menulis entry ini untuk menyokong mana-mana pihak dalam apa jua tindakan mereka. Aku cuma nak bagitau, bahawa, agak sukar bagi aku untuk mengamalkan sikap blase macam yang disarankan oleh pakcik tu.
Bukan aku nak kata I am one of the miracle workers. No matter how hard I do my job, aku belum lagi dapat menghasilkan 100% passes in my subject. Jauh lagi perjalanan aku di sekolah ini. Aku nak bagitau, susah untuk aku dan guru-guru ini hanya sekadar mengajar melunaskan sukatan. Sebab walaupun sakit, hati ini tak sampai untuk membiarkan anak-anak ini kekal tak diajar tentang adab. Di situ jugalah masalahnya bermula.
Dan aku juga nak bagitau, ada di kalangan guru di sekolah ini yang benar-benar mampu menghasilkan anak didik yang berjaya dalam subjek yang diajarnya. Tapi sayang, tak lama lagi dia pasti akan berpindah kembali ke kampung halamannya. Memang aku lihat borang permohonan pindahnya di meja kerani sekolah ku saban tahun. Tak siapa pun yang dapat bertahan lama di sekolah ini. Terlalu terpencil. Terlalu jauh dari kampung halaman, yang rata-rata gurunya datang dari segenap pelusuk tanahair. Setahun dua, tiga, empat, sudah pasti hati bagai direnggut-renggut untuk pulang ke kampung halaman masing-masing untuk kembali menikmati kemewahan dan kebebasan hidup yang telah biasa dikecapi selama ini, yang tergendala selama mencurah bakti di kampung ini.
Aku bertuah, dengan saiz badan dan amalan ’tough love’ yang aku gunakan dengan anak-anak aku di sini, sedikit sebanyak dapat merapatkan aku dengan mereka, jadi aku jarang menghadapi masalah anak murid biadab dalam sessi P&P, seperti yang dihadapi oleh segelintir guru di sekolah ini. Manakala yang selebihnya, mungkin dah mula mengamalkan saranan pakcik tu tadi. Kereta tak calar, kepala tak sakit. Siapa yang nak cari nahas, kan?
Aku sayang kampung ini dan orang-orangnya. Aku sayang pengalaman pahit manis aku kecapi dengan rakan-rakan, anak-anak dan orang kampung selama ini. Aku pasti, apabila tiba masa aku melangkah pergi air mata pastikan berlinangan membasahi pipi. Tapi apakan daya? Sebagaimana kasihnya aku terhadap kampung ini dan isinya, suatu hari nanti aku pasti akan meninggalkannya dan kembali ke pekan di pinggir ibu kota yang ku gelar kampung halaman.
Tatkala saat itu tiba, pasti adakah hati yang akan diruntun hiba akan perginya aku selama-lamanya setelah sekian lama bergaul dengan penduduk sekampung? Akan adakah yang masih mengingati diri ini, cacat cela serta istimewanya jika ada, setelah aku pergi? Akan adakah yang akan mengingati cikgu tomboy yang sayangkan anak-anak sekolah ni macam anak sendiri?
Setibanya aku di sini lebih lapan tahun yang lalu, aku tahu aku pasti temui kedamaian di ceruk dunia ini. Kedamaian dan kebebasan dah aku kecapi. Semahu-mahunya. Kini tiba masa untuk kembali ke pangkuan bonda, untuk mengabdikan diri kepadanya sepertimana dia telah lakukan ketika aku masih kecil. Tidak ku menyangka, walaupun saat itu masih agak jauh untuk ku amati, namun hanya sekadar membayangkannya saja sudah memadai untuk memecahkan empangan hati ini.
Berapa lama akan ku ratapi kehilangan yang bakal aku hadapi ini?
Dan apabila aku sudah melontar diriku jauh ke hadapan, untuk menghadapi hidup baru di sana nanti, adakah aku akan menyesali keputusanku?
Wajah-wajah ini akan kekal di dalam jiwa. Tebing sungainya, ketam udang hadiah muridku, mempelam mangga manis bersari menuruni siku, beras dibajai titik peluh ibu angkat ku putih gebu, kaki langitnya tiada penghujung, biru angkasa sedalam lautan, awan gemawan berarak lesu, sawah padi terbentang luas, sungai mengalir jernih menyuci diri, jalanraya pintu kebebasan seolah tiada sempadan, deruan ombak, pasir nan halus di celah jemari kaki, bayu laut manja menyisir rambutku membisikkan kerinduan ibu di telinga ku. Itu semua pasti akan ku tinggalkan. Dan saat itu kini kurasakan amat hampir. Bila tiba masanya adakah aku akan bersedia melambai sanak-saudara angkat dan rakan-rakan yang ku anggap keluarga selama aku di perantauan? Pergi ku yang tak mungkin kembali?
Aku bukan anak jatinya. Jatiku di seberang sana. Sayang dan kasih akan desa ini terus menambat, tapi hati ku mula gelisah. Gelisah ini tiada yang menerangkan. Mungkin doa ibu mula makbul, agar anaknya ini kembali ke pangkuannya. Ibu tidak berdosa merampasku dari semua ini. Memang niatku untuk kembali tanpa kuketahui bila saat dan ketikanya. Kini Yang Maha Esa yang akan memutuskan buat diriku.
Relakah aku akan ketentuan ini? Pasti.
p/s : Bukan niatku mencuba kemampuan berbahasa puitis. Aku ingin merekodkan gelodak jiwa akan keputusan aku hari ini dalam lembaran hari ini dengan sebaik mungkin, agar suatu hari nanti, bila aku kembali ke sini, aku tahu betapa dalamnya cintaku akan desa ini.
pettiness galore
Frankly speaking, Lawas has lost its hold on me. I am not saying that the locals are not as friendly or not as giving. They never cease to surprise me. But there are other aspects of my life that has changed for the worse.
Lately, I am feeling lonely. Lonelier than I have ever been.
At 31, one would think that a woman would be looking for ways to live her life to the fullest. She is over the years spent worrying about how she looked and what other people think of her. She should have learned by now not to take the shitty things in life too seriously. She should also have learned a lot of other things.
In my heart, I don’t feel older than 20, but my confidence have soared higher and higher since I was 20. I was not the young and naïve and the one who is always worried that she might have done something wrong when someone calls her for an immediate meeting. I am not afraid of not much anymore.
I think I am at the stage of my life where I have that ‘the devil may care’ attitude clearly stamped on my forehead. I do feel that way.
But I can’t help feeling bogged down by petty things in life like the shitty things people say or do about me behind my back. Suddenly, I find myself returning to being that 15 year old miserable girl stuck in a school she hated. That was more than 15 years ago, and that is a long time for anyone to convince herself that nothing is this world would take away the freedom and confidence that she had rightly earned on her own.
Why does it matter so much, what people say about you behind your back? Would it be any better if you’re always there, ready to stamp the life out of any person who dares to say anything bad about you? Wouldn’t it be better to just let these loose toilet mouthed people to roam free while I simply do my thing to prove her wrong?
I believe that God is just. It might take a long while before it takes effect, but it is worth the wait.
Besides, if that person drinks from your pretty stemmed glass and all she did was wipe the brim off with a tissue paper before placing it back in the glass container on the dining table with her finger prints all over it, thinking that no one would notice, I don’t think she should be any one you should consider feeling intimidated by at all.
Because that is what she is, lazy and petty.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I was feeling shitty this morning, just wishing I could just slump on the ground and get swallowed up and never come back. I was wheezing and coughing my way to school. Then there was school. It might have been the cough medication, but then, who knew, I felt disoriented. Really wished I was back in bed, all snug and comfortable under the covers.
Then I went to see Doctor Chong again this afternoon like he had instructed me to. He gave me another check up and another 20 minutes or so on the nebulizer thing. He also put me on steroids. I have never been on any kind of steroids before and I am pretty vague on what does steroid has to do with asthma. I can do some reading on that later on. But hey, I am on steroids and I am feeling better! Way better than I did on Monday.
I don't think I am gonna sprout a healthy moustache or balls for that matter. Or would I? That should be fun.... hur hur hur hur....
I am happy that I will be okay again soon. I hate turning up for work like a dead corspe. I hate scaring people at work with my DB look. Really. But then when you are feeling under the weather, I don't feel like making any effort to look good. Which is normal, don't you think? Anyhoo, that was this morning. I am glad I am getting better sooner than I thought I would because I will be flying to Miri on Monday and what scares me most is the part where I will be spending a lot of time in air-conditioned room. I love it when the ac is turned on the lowest temperature. Tapi semenjak kena semput ni, I am a little scared. That I might be spending the night coughing and wheezing again. Mengacau tidur my room mate pulak nanti.
I have been good. No iced water or any kind of iced beverage and I have been sleeping with the fan on the lowest setting as far away from the bed I could place it, oscillating.
I do hope this goes away very soon. I know sickness is God's way of cleansing one from little sins. I am grateful for that, but I do need to get back on track so I can do my job again and for once, I can answer my phone with a clear nose and not worry my mom any longer.
I don't think anyone likes seeing a pale ghost roaming the school corridors anyway.
p/s: J, I just miss reading your entries. Take your time, baybeh!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Oh no, don't get me wrong. I am not angry with Him and I am not pointing my finger up into the sky demanding an explanation. I have pretty much accepted this fact about myself.
Another day spent convalescing in bed. Taking pills and antibiotics and puffs of the inhaler. And I also imagine how it would be like if I had this in 30 years time; when I am much older and have no one around to take care of me. That's how my mom feels like. What better way to make me understand that by making me feel exactly the way she feels?
So, I will go home. Transfer back home. Soon. But I will go for another 2 years before doing that. I have things to settle. Debts to pay. Lepas tu I will go home and stay with mom. So she will have someone by her side all the time. It is high time I go home and take care of her. The last thing I want her to feel was being abandoned. That was not my plan at all. I thought staying away would make things easier for the both of us. Tapi I never thought how that also made her feel abandoned. She never said it. But now I know how she feels. Nothing she had done in the past grants her such treatment from anyone, least of all me.
Siapa tahu berapa lama lagi usia ibu? I might not have that long a time to make up for lost times. I didn't have the chance to make up lost time with dad. I don't wanna make the same mistake with mom. I have enough guilt to last me a life time.
InsyaAllah. When everything is in order, I will apply for that transfer. We'll be a whole family again. Please God, help me in this.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sure enough, the following Sunday, I started feeling unwell. I started coughing. That's how I always get sick since I have been having tonsilitis ever since I can remember. I thought it would just go away. Although my tonsilitis never 'goes away' just like that before, not without a visit to the doctor, I didn't feel like it was a big deal. My brother thought I was just having the coughs. So he suggested I get some lozenges for the cough. My throat had begun to feel raw from all the coughing and I was already coughing up some blood by then. It grew worse, until Wednesday, I felt sorry that my being sick had caused everyone to be stuck in the house, so I suggested that we all go to Tampin that morning. Bukan nak spread germs. Tapi because kami memang mesti pergi Tampin kalau Raya cuz itu rumah my uncle (my mom's older brother) yang wajib we all visit time Raya. So we all pergi la. Malam Rabu tak dapat tidur langsung cuz I was coughing and wheezing so much and had so much mucus throughout the night, asyik kena pergi bathroom to get rid of it. And I my coughs have started feeling more chesty than it was before and I can feel my lungs 'gurgling' with moisture every I cough and wheeze for air.
The next day, I went to the clinic with my sister. The doctor buat cam biasa je. He gave me some meds and gave a a spray or two up my nose with a nasal spray. That cleared up my breathing. Selama ni I thought nasal spray tu painful, rupanya idak. Then I also mintak to be injected so cepat sikit sembuh.
Anyway, I went back, and started on the meds. Balik dari Tampin, sampai Sabtu, ubat and antibiotics dah habis, tapi tak tunjukkan tanda-tanda akan sembuh. Malahan jadi tambah teruk adalah. My momcould hear the noise my chest was making and she suggested I postpone my going back to Lawas and pergi masuk wad. I thought about it, maybe that is a good idea because I don't remember being in such a bad shape before.
Tapi then I remembered that ada 3 orang kawan sekolah nak tumpang balik sama in my car from KK. If I do that, they would be stranded in KK for a day before taking the bus on Monday.
Kerana itu je, I had to trash that idea. Lagipun my mom said, takpelah balik sekarang. Sakit pun, boleh pergi jumpa doktor kat sana nanti, at least ada kawan nak balik sekali, tak la driving sorang.
I didn't know how bad it was. I coughed in the plane. I covered my face when I cough cuz tak nak menakutkan penumpang lain. It was so bad. Nasib baik, I sat at the back sekali. So tak la sesiapa yang berani nak menoleh ke belakang mencari orang yang batuk macam nak mam tu...
Sampai kat airport, I jumpa budak bertiga tu, berlawak-lawak. Lapar, I manaaged to have one piece of chicken wing from KFC. Lepas tu hantar Z pergi cuci wedding pics dia and then terus drive ke Lawas.
This morning, I went to school. Sebelum cuti Raya, I left my question paper dengan printer person tu. Dia janji nak tolong staplekan. So to make sure that it was done, I went to school. Dapatlah hantar si Z ke sekolah sekali. Lepas tengok question paper in order, I gave it to Z since she was the one yang patutnya masuk first jaga exam masa tu, then I drove back to town.
Sepanjang jalan balik tu, I dozed off a few times. My dar dah masuk kat area berumput on the bahu jalan atau dah melalut ke tengah jalan baru I tersedar. Bukan doze off sikit-sikit. Terlena terus. I still drove on sebab I know if I stopped pun, bukan I nak tidur pun nanti. Mesti wide awake dibuatnya. Sampai kat Lawas, I terus park kat depan klinik doktor Chong walaupun 45 minutes awal. I tidur je dalam kereta, sebab kalau balik nanti mesti tak larat nak keluar lagi.
10 minutes ebelum kul 8, I masuk and duduk kat lobby klinik. Bila masuk, doktor tu ask usual questions and then ask me to go to the next room and put me on the neb machine for 10 minutes. Barulah I could breathe normally again and my chest pun tak terasa penuh dengan
kahak sangat.
I tak mintak pun, tapi dia bagi MC 2 hari and for medication, dia bagi Ventolin inhaler, ubat batuk, paracetamol and antibiotics. Dia kata I kena semput. What is the proper medical term for semput? Asthma? Do people get asthma later in life? I don't remember ever having asthma.
I senang dengan doktor Chong daripada pergi hospital kerajaan, sebab ubat Hospital Kerajaan tak berkesan on me. Dari kecik pun memang my mom took me to private clinic kalau I demam. Lagipun kalau I sakit, doktor Chong tak akan tuduh I am trying to get free MC macam doktor kat Poliklinik kat pekan tu. Kepala hotak dia. Ingat aku macam tu ke? Memang perempuan tu babi. Aku sakit ni, dia kata aku pura-pura. Lagipun dulu aku pernah main tennis sama time sebelah court dengan doktor Chong. Kira kenal la juga. Kawan-kawan dia pun kenal aku juga.
Balik tadi, aku beli nasi goreng tapau, lepas makan, aku amik ubat and tidur je most part of the day. Aku dah call boss. Kesian dia. Kak Liza takde plak minggu ni. Dia ke Kuching, ada kursus PK1. Esok aku cuti lagi.
Malam ni aku masih batuk lagi. Tapi tak sesakit atau sedahsyat minggu lepas.
My mom tak berhenti-henti call to see how I am doing. She must be worried. Kesian my mom. I hope she knows that there is more to me than the anak manja that she thought I was. I will be okay so she will be okay.
So now I have asthma to add to my health record. I wish I could turn back time and took better care. Tapi dah terlambat. But this is not a death sentence. I just have to find a clever way around it, right?
Thanks Bella, for the pointers. I didn't get around to getting the Tussils. Tapi now I am feeling better from the inhaler and ubat batuk. Tekak pun tak rasa sakit macam hari tu.
Harap-harap esok I will be much better.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Aku mengantuk dah ni, kejap lagi nak tido.
Tadi petang, balik sekolah, mak pergi potong rambut. Huhu. Macam biasalah, this guy pun nak suruh I luruskan rambut. Rebonding. Haiyoh! Seb baik dia baik. So I explained to him, I pernah bat rebonding masa kat U dulu, and I was not happy with the results. My hair jadi ramrod straight, lifeless. Other than the fact it made me feel ordinary like the run of the mill supermodel wannabes, it also made my face look like the full moon. It took ages to grow back to its natural curls, so I swore to myself that I will never ever do the rebonding technique again.
I just need the blow drier to make it wavy. I do not want ramrod straight hair that looks like plastic. Oh, I think Bella's hair is gorgeous. Me loikey. Me loikey big time. Nak rambut cam Bella la. Tapi since curly hair is finer than straight hair, it tends to fly all over the place if it is not tied down. That's why I hardly leave my hair down. It would usually be up in a pony tail or when it was longer, in a tight bun. I really don't know what kind of product I should use to take the fly aways.
Well, Bernard (the hair stylist) was good at cutting hair. He's worked in KL for a few years before returning to Lawas to open his own salon. One thing I am curious, why do people call the hair places they go to as saloons rather than salons? I thought saloons are supposed to be bars in Western movies. And the funniest thing, even the most stylish and up-to-date person pun still say "I nak pergi saloon petang ni." Nak minum whiskey ke apa?
Anyway, he was good with the styling. I asked him not to go too short cuz I'd still wanna be able to tie my hair up when I am messy at home. But not too long that it would way down the look. Then he 'curi' sikit dalam tu so nipis sikit. I asked him not to go too thin, cuz then my face will look worse. Then he blew dry it and I was pretty happy with it. But then when there is moisture, of course it will revert to the curls. Takpelah, mak tak kisah.
Apalah citer pasal rambut. Macam bagus sangat la cerita rambut aku ni. Yela kan, mak jakun hal-hal macam ni. I used to be a tomboy with a mile-long hair. Now that dah pendek ni, excited la nak macam-macam. Gattey je.
Dik Bella, I am doing OK now. Tak sakit perut lagi. Dah minum sebanyak mungkin air. Thank you for your concern. :)
Esok, I balik, flight kul 8.05. Will be there sampai the October 21st. Rasa sekejap je. Tapi takpe, sebulan lepas tu cuti akhir tahun plak. My principal kata no problem kalau I nak balik lama sikit kali ni, memandangkan I only had 2 weeks last year.
Anyway, dah habis dah movie tadi. I won't be online masa kat my mom's place. I will update as soon as I get back.
Love ya'll. Muah muah!
p/s: N mintak alamat rumah pagi semalam. When I asked him what for? He said nak pergi (yeah, right) tapi I mocked some grumbling like I tak nak dia datang. So dia tukar, katanya nak hantar barang, hopefully sampai sebelum Raya. Yeah, right. Tak faham betul aku si N ni. Kekadang, enigma sangat.
balik kampung
It seems that nowadays, the main theme is laziness.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Tak pergi sekolah. Called in sick despite the fact that I feel guilty for having been away from school for the past week. I was weak, having been to the bathroom 6 times since 4 am. I need to rest. I was dehydrated. Spent the morning resting. Took the pills I still had from that bout of cherry berry when I was in Kuching and drank lots of water. The cat was with me menemankan, as if she knew I was sunyi and depressed and in pain. I took loads of photos of the cat lazily lounging on my stomach. Come to think of it, hari ni je dah berapa photo kucing tu aku dah amik, sebab dia memang suka melepak in my lap, on my stomach, in the crook on my arm when I lie down on the floor. Needy betul kucing ni. Kalau tak sebab sayang dah lama melambung kena campak keluar. Rimas!
I'm glad I had the cherry berry today on my last day of periods. At least I could take the pills and drink lots of water with the salts without feeling guilty.
I am feeling much better in the afternoon and the trips to the bathroom had stopped. There was no water around my area so cooking was out of the question, especially when I was really not in the mood or had the energy for that. So I went out to get some things to eat for berbuka. I know, I am not fasting today yet, but I stuck to the schedule so it wouldn't be too hard for me to get back to fasting when my periods are over.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
weekend update
Kusangka aku dah boleh puasa, rupanya belum lagiks. Tapi hari ni I puasa anyway, cuz I dinch tau, sampailah I got back home dalam kul 8 tadi. Ahaks. Takpe. Kalau I wanted to eat pun, kat mananya kan? Besides, I don't find not eating in the daytime a big deal. The driving around and the shopping just took it all off of my mind, and besides, I had set my mind to fasting mode to be bothered about being hungry.
Bangun pagi tadi kul 5.30. I am very bad at being punctual. I can only be punctual when it is a matter of life and death. Like for PMR or SPM. Everything else can wait. That is so bad, isn't it? I hate that about myself! Oh, but I am seldom late for school. It's just strange.
Anyway, woke up at 5.30... golek-golek malas dulu in bed. Staring at the ceiling and at the things in my room. It's such a mess at the moment, I have a whole Sunday to get everything in order. Promised Mimi that I will be leaving my place at 7 this morning, which means that I will arrive at his place in half an hour after that. And for once, this morning, I was only ten minutes late for my departure. Usually, it would be an hour. Because masa tu la I wanna kemas rumah dulu, then check air and minyak hitam kereta and do the other stuff before I leave the house. Nasib baik I don't wash the car dulu before leaving...
Hari ini, pergi KK, hantar Z balik kampung. Dia nak naik bas. Tapi I thought why not I je hantar dia because it would be after the end of PMR, so I would be able to go for a day out to destress after the 5-day long jaga PMR tu. Ye, dia balik a few days earlier than the rest of us, dah mohon cuti rehat khas (CRK) untuk menguruskan majlis pernikahan dia yang akan berlangsung pada malam Raya nanti. I can only imagine the kind of emotions she is going through right now. Balik dari beraya kali ni, dia sudah jadi isteri orang. Walaupun they would be apart for a while sementara dia apply for a transfer to be with her husband, I don't know it would still be the same. Tadi hantar dia ke airport, kami lepak sampai kul 3.30 and then had to leave in order to be able to reach Sipitang in time for berbuka. I didn't notice that she had tears in her eyes when we left. Mimi did, and he mentioned it later to me in the car. I hope Z didn't feel that I do not appreciate the full extent of her situation, I just hate goodbyes and just wanted it to be done and over with as soon as possible. Even with N pun, I would usually just say goodbye and walk away, not looking back at all. But then again, with Z, I just knew she was just too happy to be married soon, that that particular goodbye this afternoon was no big deal anyway.
Soon she will be united with the man her family chose for her and being the dutiful daughter, she had nurtured the feelings for this man, and I hope their love will flourish and thrive to the end of time.
Sesampainya di KK tadi, weols ingat nak merayau-rayau di Wisma Merdeka. Tapi, today being the last Saturday before Raya, everyone was out in full throttle for their Raya shopping. So there was no parking space left at that place. That must be the place with the best bargains. So we went to CentrePoint instead.
The first thing I did? Went to a shoe store and got myself another pair of the shoes I am so in love with and wore today. It is 4inches high but extremely comfortable, I wore it all day and I could still walk another mile in it. Cewah. Then pergilah merayau-rayau dalam shopping complex tu. Biasalah, orang ramailah, kan? Got some other stuff and temankan si Mimi mencari his stuff. Z got herself another malay love novel from the bookstore and then we were on our way to the airport.

There was a fish shop at the airport and there was a fish tank with exotic fish in it. They were constantly moving, so there was no decent picture of the fish. Just the anemone that was so graceful in the water just waving in the currents.

Amy (we like to call him Mimi) posing in front of the tank. Taste tak? Mak dinch tau, uols!His favorite things to say; "Gadis cantik memang selalu dicemburui." Ko ado? Non ado....!

Me and Z kat food court at the basement having something for iftar. That phone in my hand is not mine, it belongs to my coursemate kat U dulu, Nat. Next photo is me, Nat and Mimi, at the bowling alley. Then another photo if Z in Mimi's sunnies, and the last one is of Mimi, making that 'aku merenung masa depan' look he loves so much when being photographed. It just makes him looks so adorable, don't you think?
Lepas makan, we went on, I hantar Mimi to his place, kat kuarters sekolahnya. It's a nice flat. I used to go there cuz dulu I had another friend sebelum she moved back to Perak. Dulu she was my housemate. Tapi bila sekolah baru tu dibuka, she was listed to be one of the teachers to teach there, so she had to move there juga.
Lepas hantar Mimi, of course, I had to drive home alone. I have never done that before. My biggest fear driving alone in the dark palm oil estates? Kalau apa-apa hal berlaku to my car, I would be stranded in the middle of nowhere dengan all these pal estate workers all over the place. Dangerous la... Tapi, I just doa la sikit kan, and as I was reaching the junction that leads to the main road keluar dari simpang ke sekolah Mimi, ada lori treler and a kancil headed my way. I pun terus ikut and potong those vehicles. Kalau apa-apa hal berlaku biarlah aku yang ada kat depan, boleh juga mintak tolong kan? Itupun kalau mereka nak berhenti. Siapa nak berhenti kat area macam tu? There had been tales of robbery and murder all along that stretch of road.
I was familiar with the road, I have been through there hundreds of times if not thousands, so I know every bend and curve even in the dark. So, apa lagi, mak bawakla keter tu selaju yang dia mampu with Avril Lavigne singing my favorite in a loop at full blast. Muahahaha! tak sampai setengah jam, sampailah ke rumah.
Alhamdulillah, selamat sejahtera. I credit my safety to my mom's endless prayers for my well-being.
Took everything out of the car and changed, and makan, makan dan makan lagi sambil menonton TV dan menaip blog. Now, watching Capote on Star Movies.
Tadi out of the blue, my cousin called me. Amir, the youngest son of my aunt, my mom's younger sister. I met Amir at the funeral of one of my uncles. Our families had been estranged for a few years now, due to some internal problems. I wish it could be solved. I pray to God. Anyway, we exchanged numbers when I found out that he had been studying in UMS in KK for the past few years, in botany. What can I say, that little boy who used to germinate seeds in wet cotton wool in plastic cups when he was a wee school boy is now a young man still in love with growing things and the science of it all. And he's turned out into a good looking young man as well. I'll post his photo is I have them later, cuz we're meeting at the airport next Thursday. We both are going home on the same day, but different flights.
I have his number, but as always, I never bother calling, sebab I always think that my phone calls for no matter who would be unwelcome. Glad that he called me, though. We talked for a few minutes before hanging up.
I wish we could be like before it happened. I hold no grudge for him. The matter was between his mother and mine. It is just so unfair that we children had to make a stand on whose side we are on.
I hold no grudge on him.

Ni makan untuk 4 orang, oklah sikit. Adalah juga luaknya lauk-pauknya.
Tapi ini....?

Mak makan dengan Z je. Pengsan....
Benda yang wajib ada masa sepanjang bulan puasa kali ini ialah, pegedil ikan, yang Z selalu buat. Tahun lepas, I made them. Tapi tak tahulah kenapa, tahun ni, Z yang rajin nak buat, each time. Then ada sambal belacan, atau sambal tempoyak, petai, ulam-ulam lain, and most important of all, sejag besar sirap ros yang ada biji selasih dan kembang semangkuk. And every night, memang makan nasik. Lauk biasa, masak lemak cili api atau masak kicap. Ada buat black pepper beef, sebab terliur tengok blog di Bella yang memaparkan kesedapan black pepper beef sebuah gerai di bazaar ramadhan kat sana tu.
Sini pun ada juga bazaar ramadhan. Lauk-pauk dan kuih-muihnya memang sedap, tapi sebab dah bertahun-tahun kat sini, weols tengok, sama je, so tibalah masanya untuk rajin sikit memasak untuk memenuhi kehendak tekak ni yang dah lama merindui masakan semenanjung. Lagipun bagus juga, kan? Ke bazaar tu untuk beli kuih atau beli air linchikang je. Atau umai. Sebab umai ni, kalau sekali buat, I mesti terbuat banyak. Tak pernah lagi berbuang sebelum ni. Tapi sebab gatal kan? Beli je seringgit. Muahahaha....!
Tapi tiba je hari Rabu, mesti kami ke Sipitang, ajak Mimi sekali. Pergi ke bazaar di Sipitang, beli kuih-muih then pergi kedai mamak tu. Mamak tu suka betul bila tengok kami. Kadang, dia bagi tembikai free. Hari tu dia masakkan telur ikan special for us. Manalah tak sukanya, kalau tengok selera makan masing-masing mengalahkan gladiator.
Kalau tak pergi Sipitang, dua tiga malam ni ada juga ke masjid ikut tarawikh. Bukan aku nak tunjuk alim. Kalau korang nak tahu, aku ni dah 10 tahun tak pergi tarawikh. Tahun ni aku rasa terpanggil untuk ke masjid melaksanakan solat sunat tu secara berjamaah. Memang N ada juga menyuruh aku ke masjid untuk tarawikh. Tapi sebenarnya selama ni, tahun demi tahun, aku menantikan kalau-kalau ada orang yang nak mengajak aku ke masjid. Tapi tak ada pun. Bukan aku nak menyalahkan sesiapa dalam hal ni, tapi dengan reputasi aku sebagai 'orang jahat' kat pekan ni, thanks to some mulut puaka penabur fitnah yang gigih (pasangan suami isteri pulak tu) aku agak phobia nak menunjuk muka di masjid pekan ni sebab bimbang orang akan mengata aku yang bukan-bukan. Pengikutnya bukan sedikit. Aku takut dikatakan berpura-pura. tapi aku lupa, yang aku tak sepatutnya takut pada mereka. Aku patut lebih takut akan Tuhan, dan sayangkan diri dengan mendekatkan diri dengan Allah. Bukannya lagi melarikan diri daripada sesuatu yang aku tak nampak. So tahun ni, aku gagahkan diri, dan untuk malam pertama aku ke masjid tu, aku tebalkan muka, manalah tahu kalau-kalau terjumpa koncho-koncho orang itu. Alhamdulillah, bila aku pergi ke sana dengan rela hati, I found out yang the experience had a calming effect on me and I had a very good time menjalankan solat sunat tu secara berjemaah. Aku tak sabar untuk mula berpuasa semula esok supaya aku dapat ke masjid untuk ikut tarawikh lagi. Kali ni Z tak ada untuk ikut aku pergi. Aku akan ajak Lini dan Zura pulak, kalau mereka sudi.
Malam esok, maybe I will settle with spaghetti je for berbuka, mungkin sampai Khamis when it is time for me to fly home. I will be alone these last few days sebelum balik kampung, so takde berapa semangat sangat nak masak-masak for berbuka. I doubt that I will buy anything from the bazaar. So kalau nak makan nasik, nanti I will have to go to the market la cari fish and chicken.
Oh, I don't do sahur. Not because of anything. I just find that I would get stomach discomfort and feel lethargic throughout the day if I do. When I was younger, my parents would force me to wake up in the middle of the morning and with my eyes still closed, I would force myself to eat. My dad selalu marah me, teruk sangat kaki tidurnya sampai suruh sahur pun boleh sahur sambil mata tertutup. Masa kat asrama, kawan-kawan ajak bersahur. Kalau tak bangun, digegarnya katil. And aktiviti petang kat sekolah berjalan macam biasa, so kenalah sahur. Tapi bila dah masuk U, tinggal dengan family, my parents dah tak paksa me makan sahur lagi lepas beberapa kali memaksa dan tengok I okay puasa tanpa sahur. Tapi, my mom said, masa bujang ni okaylah tak nak sahur, tapi kalau dah berumahtangga, dapat pulak husband yang mesti sahur, susah la nanti. I think I will find a way to handle that. We humans are remarkable beings who can adapt to just about anything, right?
Tahun ni, I ketua PMR, tapi I tak buat claim. Malas. So I hantar semua claims anak-anak buah except for mine. There was no objections from my Penyelia Kawasan, takpelah tu kan? Mesti mereka gembira sebab ada kurang sorang buat claims.

Ni photo I took of my and Cyril, masa balik dari Limbang after having attended the Taklimat Pengendalian PMR di PPG.
Kenapa ada banyak? Suka hati aku la, bukan pakai filem pun. Lagipun bukan patah pun jari korang memetik butang tu kan? Taklah, I just wanted to display the many faces of Cyril.
He is such a pleasant person to be with. Oh, he's got a girlfriend dah, uols. Jangan nak verangans, occay?
Esok, Ahad. Aku tahulah kau tahu. Tapi esok aku nak iron baju kerja, lipat baju dan kemas rumah. Adalah benda nak buat to distract me from the fact that I am all alone in this big house for the next few days.
Okaylah, adik-adik dan kawan-kawan. Dah kul 1 lebih ni. I nak mandi, esok nak puasa. Nak tarawikh macam umat Islam lain. Harap uols dapat menghadapi puasa dengan tabah dan beroleh keberkatan atas segala amalan uols sepanjang bulan mulia ni.
Betul orang kata, nak buat baik tu tak susah. Semudah nak buat jahat. Yang pentingnya, hati.