Monday, February 2, 2009


I am so with Suze Orman.

Why the hell are people nowadays so obsessed about spoiling their children with stuff and money? Why is it bad to make them earn their allowance? They will not be children forever and what kind of values are you hoping to teach your kids huh? What kind of adults do you want them to grow up into?

I get allowance because I was born?

How f*cked up do you want your kids to be before you realized that our future is going to be filled by disrespectful ingrates who can't survive the harsh world without a number of credit cards with a mountain of bills?

Lenturlah buluh while it is still the rebung, because waiting till it become buluh will only grant you a fast and hard slap across the face and a broken nose when the buluh refuse to conform to the new shape you wish it to become.


I have had a few parents who came to see me and ended up bawling their eyes out telling me that they have done their best to teach their kids, but they are unwilling to listen to them and ask me to teach their kids instead. And I don't mean teach them just English. Literally, pukullah anak saya kalau dia buat jahat kat sekolah, cikgu. Saya kenal dan percayakan cikgu. Boleh?

Boleh, kalau aku ada cukup duit nak bayar denda bila aku kalah kat court nanti, ye tak?

I don't have kids. I cringe at the thought... At the thought of the challenges I would face if one day I am granted these gifts from God. But really, as parents, pelissss lah jangan pandai menghasilkan anak je wei... take the reigns and believe that YOU ARE THE BOSS OF THEM and they bloody hell will do your bidding. Takde maknanya memanjakan anak keterlaluan tanpa mendidik mereka erti kesyukuran.

Sometimes, the kids with the sh*ttiest childhood grow up into really good people. With some kinks and issues, of course. But who doesn't have those? Honestly. And they do have good and colorful character. Great if you have a wonderful fairytale like childhood. So you have bragging right. And that's all you will be; a brag.

Spare it, spoil it.

Yes, I do feel like giving little kids who throws tantrums in malls a great big kick right in the stomach. I would be doing their stupid parents a great favor. And then, I will go to the parent and give him/her a swift backhand right across the face for bringing into the world a shameless devil's spawn.

Bagi couple yang beragama Islam, pleaselah, sebelum berkongkek tu, tak kiralah, nak tiru style India ala-ala K@m@sutra ke or t@ntric ke or style caca marba macam omputeh tanpa mengira venue, waima dalam tandas sekalipun iaitu tempat yang kita semua tahu tempat segala jenis syaithon berteduh tu, lebih-lebih lagi kalau tak pakai protection and boleh menghasilkan zuriat yang halal atau tak tu,BACALAH DOA, supaya semasa the baby in conceived, idak le sempat syaithon tu tumpang sekali the sacred vessel that would be the baby. Yang merana nak mendidiknya nanti, korang jugak, and cikgu-cikgu yang makain hari makin serabut kat sekolah tu. Seputih-putih kain pun, you can keep it white for only so long. Especially when you do not have the tenacity of an artist who can produce a work of art... It's not like you can white out everything and not leave a stain on it.

Wake up and smell the cr*p already!!!

Yeah, yeah, yeah.... I am a total BARBARIAN and I will eat my babies.

p/s: aku hangin hari ni cuz sepanjang hari takde buat apa, menguruskan kes disiplin dan jumpa parents dari pagi sampai habis waktu sekolah. Kau ingat aku takde kerja lain nak buat selain daripada memberus anak-anak korang yang tak reti diajar tu ke?

p/p/s : cikgu-cikgu kat Malaysia semua baik and komited and lemah lembut dengan murid. Aku je yang emo sket kengkadang.

p/p/p/s : yeah yeah yeah... at school, I chop up my students and eat 'em all up. Spare me your preachings because I don't think there is anyone else at the school who is genuinely in love with all of the students and genuinely care about them and the shit they are doing at school is not gonna hang with me. Well, the other teachers genuinely care too, but I am the clean up person, so my level of 'care' is a little more up there compared to them. Heh...

p/p/p/s : - insert expletives -


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Eat them chillun!

Narcissca Ariadne Alvarez said...

