Saturday, August 4, 2007

what moves me

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You're moved by Comedic Crack-Ups
My quote : Hey, what can I say, people did say that I am a cross between Jim Carrey and Sarimah Ibrahim.

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You're a Fearless!
My quote : So true... if I may say so myself.

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You're a Emotional Management!
My quote : I try...

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A New Social Scene will upgrade your style
My quote : I like where I am, so I will pass on this one.

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When it comes to temptation you're a Gladiator
My quote : Yeaaaaah! Right!

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You could have been a famous Actor
My quote : You read me like a book!

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Your coffee drink is Scrumptious
My quote : ...*

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Your best adventures are Unexpected Endeavors
My quote : I try not to plan anything, just in case...

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Your savings style could use a Helping Hand
My quote : Looking for a sugar daddy... no, I mean Financial Adviser. Heh!

Take this test at Tickle
Your lucky number is number Seven
My quote : For some reason, I have always known this one...


Belladonna said...

Jim Carrey tu cam tipu..tapi kalau Sarimah Ibrahim tu aku percaya :)

Anatel Ameen said...

yus, join la anugerah guru atau pemimpin dalam ICT. Buat pembaharuan dalam P&P, aku boleh support...Jom la

Narcissca Ariadne Alvarez said...

apakah ciri-cirinya ittew, Hanna? Mak tataw! kang mak masuk kang, apa mak nak tunjuk kat depa? Blog mak ni ker? ew! Mak malu!
Lagipun, mak pasti ada ramai lagi cikgu yang jauh lebih layak tu join menda yang nko mention tu... Pemimpin dalam ICT? Hurm.... ayo ma, ayo pa...

bella :
Her her her... itu cuz yu haven't seen my rubber face. Anyway... itu dulu masa memuda. Ni dah seasoned ni, kurang sket. Ehek!