Monday, February 18, 2008


Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan menduga iman hambaNya dengan sesuatu yang tak termampu ditanggung olehnya. Walaupun ianya berkali-kali.

I lost my cellphone again today. Stolen is the more likely word for it. The second time in three years. Just four minutes of carelessness had granted him the chance to grab it from my backpack in my office. I had the cellphone on me all day today, except that 4 minutes when I left the backpack in my office to go to the bathroom. Later on during the afternoon, when I reached for it to check if there was a message, it was gone.

It's the same thing three years ago. In my laptop bag, in my office. Just a month old, stolen.

You will think I am careless. I will say you're a bastard, because you don't know me. Unlike some people who keep losing their cellphone time and time again buying a new one to replace them, I don't have that kind of money to burn and I do get attached to most of the things I own. I don't lay my things around unattended. I don't leave my things behind on the dining table at the restaurant. And I don't lose things because I leave them laying around. So being careful with my things is in fact my second nature.

But it's happened and there is no use crying over spilled milk. Nothing I can do except pray that the bastard will fry in hell for violating me this way more than once.

And I don't give a sh*t for that fool me twice shame on me kind of sh*t.

I will miss the cellphone, because it's a good gadget that had been very useful to me. Just the right weight and size for my hand, although it has 3G capabilities, it doesn't have the other nonsense peripherals I'll never use. I will get myself a new phone, but I can never really replace her. She had been a very good friend to me. She gently wakes me up every morning with a soft piano intro of a song. And when I am lonely and need to see a familiar face, she'll always be more than glad to share the photos she has with me. She reminds me of birthdays. And she makes the distance seem like nothing when I need to feel loved. I will never get myself the same model not because there are so many new ones out there, but simply because getting a new one exactly like her is a betrayal of her memory. So dramatic, you might think. What can I say? I loved having her around.

I know, it's just stuff. I will get myself a new one, but most of the things I will miss most and will never get back on that phone are the more than 1000 text messages from loved ones and well-wishers and the various notes I have jotted down and stored on the notepad. I will eventually get most of the 500 or so numbers I had on the phone back, and even the number itself, having blocked it right afterwards. I will get the new sim card with the old number as soon as I can get to KK since there is no Celcom outlet in Lawas.

However, I am trying very hard not to be tempted into badmouthing a certain someone for being such an insensitive tunggul.

He is a tunggul. That's all I can say. For now.

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