Random facts about me.
I’m not an internet celebrity. I am not even a well-known blogger. But I remember Bella tagging me for something, like 5 random facts about me. But that was ages ago. Not that I forgot. It’s always been brewing in my head, but I have never had the time or the guts to write it, because sometimes, I do lose what I know about myself. I change. All the time. But at the same time, there are things about me that is stagnant.
Anyways, here it is, random facts about me. I am not sure how many because from now on, I will keep updating this entry till I have figured myself out.
Again, let me remind you, I am doing this for myself. I am not asking anyone to read it.
1. I am full of myself.
God, how can I not start with this one? Look, I even have a blog where I write about nothing but nonsense, most of them about myself, to prove it.
But I’d like to look at this in a more positive light by saying that I am not just simply put, full of myself. There are things about me that other people do not know that of course embarrasses me and might probably kill me if anyone finds out, but I am willing to accept that as a part of myself as much as the good things about me because these are the things that make me whole and because in life, there is no black and white. There is always a grey area. We need both the white and the black for balance. I don’t wanna be like Snow White because she is pathetic. Yeah, she is cute and innocent and all things nice, but if she could put a little back bone into herself, she could have stood up against her evil step mother with all that woodland creature at her disposal. Instead, she was such a bimbo. I don’t want to be a damsel in distress, because sometimes it’s more fun to be the swash buckling pirate sailing the oceans of the world. And like that lady who played Cruella Deville said once, the baddies always get to wear the fancier clothes. Oh they do! They do!
2. I hate doing laundry.
I do. That’s why I just do it once a week.
3. When I do my laundry, I make sure everything belongs together.
Tees with tees, blouses with blouses, jeans with jeans, bras with bras and so on and so forth. That is a must. And my hangers must match. I hate mismatched hangers. Especially in my closet.
4. Sometimes I laugh out loud all of a sudden.
I’d be driving, everything is quiet and calm. And all of a sudden I would laugh out loud or swear at something. My mind would be wandering off and I'd remember things from my past that could be funny or embarrassing. Z thought I was crazy, but she has learned to ignore the sudden outburst, since.
5. I swear. A lot. When I am pissed off over something.
Don’t say my parents didn’t teach me otherwise. They did. Come on, I am gonna be 32 soon, I should know better, right? Right. But I just find that swearing gives me a release no amount of deep breathing could give me. I do not condone swearing, it just works for me. I will definitely wash my kids’ mouth with soap if I catch them swearing in my presence. But once they are of age, I am not gonna stop them from doing it as long as it is not too much, too loudly or unnecessarily.
I don’t do name-calling though. I think that is too rude and too much insensitivity. No one deserves that kind of treatment from anyone.
6. I am very bad at mathematics.
I am. Simply. I am just not much of a problem solver perhaps. Or I just couldn’t be bovvered. How about my life’s problems, you ask? I ask myself that question too sometimes. But everything seems to settle itself, in time, so I have not had too much problem there. But when it comes to work, I’ll put more effort into it, so I am able to solve quite a few over the years. I wouldn’t be where I am if I hadn’t been a problem solver now, would I?
I might have been a lazy student of the subject when I was in school, or perhaps I just can’t be bovvered. I’m just not into numbers.
7. I spend too much.
On everything and nothing. How can I explain that? I am a compulsive spender. If there is one thing about me that I can change, I’d change this.
8. I sleep too much.
I do. I go to bed at 8 nowadays. On weekdays, I sleep at 8. On weekends, I sleep in. I don’t take naps anymore, except on Fridays.
9. I wake up at 4am every morning.
Then I will sleep one more hour and then get up and get ready for work.
10. I have no stamina what-so-ever.
I can walk all day. But I can’t for the love of God, run for 10 minutes. I’d die. I’d have shin-split and my chest will feel like it is exploding.
I do find running a very healthy and smart thing to do and have tried it many times in my life, to delightful results in weight reduction and toning of the body, but I tend to go into long relapses that I don’t feel like getting out of, resulting on the increase in the size of my booty. Well, more like all over increase of everything, really. Who am I kidding?
11. I have a volatile relationship with my mother.
Do I envy other girls for having the kind of relationship with their mothers? Sometimes. But how would one miss something one never had? I remember the cuddles and hair brushing and the other little things, but as I grow older, we just grew apart. My mom’s military style of raising me didn’t really help. I don’t blame her. I needed the structure. Even now when I am not exactly the epitome of discipline, I make sure that most things in my life is in order. Of course, mine can’t be as orderly as mom’s was, but I am doing what I can.
12. I strongly believe in the “Spare the cane, spoil the child” adage.
No, I am not emulating my parents’ way of teaching their children. I have simply realized that a little bit of pain as punishment of a wrong doing at a young age, is crucial. Because once they reach their teens, it would be too late.
I got my fair share when I was younger. And I don’t hate my parents for it. I deserved every single bit of it, and I love them even more to have had the guts to inflict that pain on me against the fact that love should be painless, so I would learn my lesson.
13. I am totally grossed out by frogs and toads.
Even dead frogs. I step around them. Not over them, afraid that it would spring back to life and bite me or something. I am also afraid that I might get warts from toads. Urgh…! *goosebumps*
14. I brush my teeth three times a day.
15. I shower three times a day.
16. Because I perspire excessively.
Especially when I am nervous or if it is a particularly hot day.
17. I get nervous easily.
18. It will be difficult to make me stop yakking when I am nervous.
19. I have stage fright.
20. Although I do love performing in acts.
I do love acting. I was Sir Toby of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night when I was in my first year of Bachelor’s Degree. I was quite good considering the feedback I got from lecturers and the audience after the show. I was also one of the three witches in Macbeth. I was also offered a part by the father of one of my coursemates who was a film director. That was back in 99. But I was too chicken sh*t to actually took up the role. I turned it down. I could have done it on the side! Another one of my many life’s regrets.
21. I sang solo once, on stage.
It was in 2001, at the closing ceremony of our Induction Course. Everyone in my team was too bashful to be the solo, pushing and nudging each other. It’s not like it was the Grammy’s or anything! I got so irritated that I volunteered to do the solo. It was the Puteri Santubong song. When the time came, and I sang the solo bit, the hall went quiet.
Three years later, the VIP from the event that night who is a very tall and curly haired man, with a mighty moustache, came to my school for a visit. He looked at me, and said, “Hey, aren’t you the one who sang solo of that song that night at the closing ceremony?”
One thing I know, you have to be either really good, or really, really bad to be remembered after so long.
22. I am a jack of all trades. Sort of.
I can do anything if I set my mind to it. I’ve done girly things and I have done manly stuff. It’s just a matter of wanting or not wanting to do something.
I used to make kites for the neighborhood kids, for free. And they fly.
I can change my own flat tire.
I can do my own plumbing.
I can change my own door knob.
I can pretty much do most DIY projects.
But the fact remains, I am a lazy ass.
23. I smell like my dad.
It’s embarrassing. Tell me about it! Eversince I hit puberty that has been my problem. I use deodorants and natural salts, but the fact that I sweat like a hog, doesn’t really help matters. But I actually love taking showers, hence. I wish I can be like my mom, she does not smell I tell ya and she never uses deodorants.
But at least I don’t have smelly feet. Thank God for that!
24. I don’t like talking on the phone.
I prefer text. And only if it is really important. But I call my mom cuz mom doesn’t do text.
25. I like cooking.
But I am the ‘do whatever is in the fridge’ kind instead of the ‘I wanna have meatloaf tonight, so I am gonna go buy the stuff I’ll need’ kind.
26. I scream and yell later when I am alone when I have done something embarrassing.
I will scream and yell when the memory pops up later in my life. And they will continue to haunt me.
27. I talk in my sleep.
In English. As my room mates have told me and later on confirmed by my mom when I asked her. She never told me before that. I found out during secondary school.
28. I prefer sleeping on my side.
Instead of lying flat on my back.
29. I have acute back pain sometimes.
Because I was such a Badang of a girl when I was younger, I used to lift heavy things the wrong way, injuring my back. Nowadays, people don’t believe me when I tell them I can’t do heavy-lifting. I’ll do it anyway, only if I have to. Because ladies do not lift heavy loads.
Hey, I’m just fat. I am not a cow, okay?
30. I know about most things, but I am a scholar to none.
31. I don’t understand soccer and basketball and most popular sport and I don’t bother learning.
32. I don’t particularly love reading.
But I will if it is a really good book, and if I am really really bored at that moment. And when I do, I read really slow because I really love to feel how the words move on my mind’s tongue. I like doing that so much sometimes it takes me months to finish one book. If that makes any sense to any of you. The fact that I keep reading the same lines again and again just makes it even harder to finish a book.
The last time I read a mushy romance novel was when I was in uni. I have since quit reading those because they are totally misleading. And don’t get me started on the escapism of it all.
33. I only trust my sister.
34. I think I should have made pretty good counselor.
Nothing major so far. Mostly one to one cases.
35. I am a pack rat.
I have trouble parting with things I don’t use anymore. I used to keep things that are broken, thinking I will come around to fixing it one day. Sometimes I feel like the thing will feel sad if I throw it away.
I know that is sick, that is why I am trying not to be.
36. I am very much like my mom.
I am beginning to see it now. I look like her. Most part of my face looks like her. I have curly hair, just like her. I have to put on make up before I go to work, just like her. I think I will be a military mom just like her. I know I love tableware and I buy them. But I am not doing that anymore at the moment, because I don’t know where I’ll put them if I keep buying them. I am strong-willed like her. I am a survivor, just like her.
37. I am also like my dad.
I have his jawline and chin. I have his feet. The same size. I am short like him. I smell like him. I love knives. Buying them, sharpening them. Admiring them when I am not buying them. I have more than I need in my kitchen. And when I go home I buy more for my mom to use, but that’s because she keeps losing some. I am interested in architecture and always find myself mesmerized in figuring out how a structure is built. My dad was a jack of all trades. He built houses. He made furniture. He built a Vespa from salvaged parts. He fixed things. I wish I learned everything from him.
38. I have mood swings.
Terrible, terrible mood swings.
The highest highs and the lowest lows.
39. I have ADD.
I didn’t know about it till I was 28. I am still learning to handle it.
40. I used to want to be a boy.
But when I saw how gross an over 40 tomboy looks like, I changed my mind. Now I am sort of a girly girl with a very high sense of adventure.
41. I LOVE driving.
Especially long-distance. Because if I am not driving, I would be sleeping and missing out on the beautiful scenery that I love so much. I could have been a truck driver if I am not teaching.
42. I used to hate the color green.
I used to think it is the ugliest color and only look good on plants and nothing else.
43. My favorite and only color for a car is metallic silver.
Any other color on a car just does not work for me. Sorry.
44. I won’t buy anything new until the old one is broken.
Like my watch and my cellphone. I only have one of each. Well, two cell phones. But that’s because it was my mom’s and it was sort of broken. So I bought her a new one and when felt sorry for it to just sell it off so I kept it and now it is all better again, so I kept it. But I’ll keep using it till it is really, really broken and can’t be fixed.
45. I prefer older men.
Anyone younger than I am is a turn off. Oh I know you haters would say “Well, that’s because you are fat and desperate for a sperm donor.” Hah! Who cares what you think?
I just don’t like men my age. Daddy issues? I don’t know. I have never been to a psychiatrist, but I don’t remember having a bad relationship with my dad or if he had been absent during my formative years. Forget about that.
I just prefer them older Eversince I knew what men are really for in the whole scheme of things, I have always preferred them older than me. That’s all. And not sloppy old people. Below fifty and fit and well-dressed. A bit of a belly is not a problem.
46. I am very bad at keeping friends.
47. I can’t remember names.
But I will remember faces forever.
49. I love the rain.
50. I love the smell of grass after it’s been mowed.
51. I used to care for babies when I was attending uni.
I stayed at home cuz uni was just behind my housing area. I was actually helping my mom, I ended up taking over because I loved it so much.
52. I hate seeing kids being rude to elders.
I’d smack them right then and there if I can have my way.
I’d definitely smack mine if they dare.
53. I don’t celebrate my birthdays.
54. I can only remember my family’s birthdays.
And a few friends. I don’t remember dates very well.
55. I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day.
And the Roman new year. I’m a Muslim. We should not be easily blinded by popular culture brought in by foreign cultures. No offence to anyone, I just don’t. No, I am not a party pooper. I just don’t see why we should emulate the values that are not even Eastern such as these.
56. I hate crowds.
I have never even been to a concert. I even find attending a traditional Malay wedding reception a chore.
57. I am addicted to food.
Go figure!
58. I am addicted to the internet.
59. I don’t smoke.
60. I have never drunk anything alcoholic.
It’s just a personal choice. I’m just very afraid of being dependent on any kind of substance which I feel would be such a waste, so I keep away.
61. I haven’t had sex.
Again, a personal choice. Boy, I can imagine the kinds of lame jokes that could spring from this one. I’ll just give those haters out there the finger.
62. I’m happy with my fat self.
What can I say? I am. I was thin for a short while, due to dieting and exercise, and all I got was some sleazy looks from men. It made me feel sick to my stomach, because I was not used to the kind of attention. So I went back to fat. No more sleazy looks. I do miss the cute clothes I could have been wearing now. But I have always been more of a shoe person anyway.
For the thin people who thinks I am toxic and I'd die from being fat pretty soon, I would like to tell you that I have Low cholesterol level, and I don't abuse substances. Even if I do contract diabetes and hi BP, why do you care? You're not gonna be the one wiping my ass when that comes to pass now, would you? So shut your trap.
63. I get emotional over nothing sometimes.
64. I hate being teased.
So I never tease people.
65. I believe in karma.
Because I always get things I did to other people flung back into my face. So I try not to be too nasty to other, simply because I am afraid of eating too much humble pie. I’m not nice.
66. I am not a very modest person sometimes.
Because sometimes, I do get full of myself. That is when I wait for the humble pie to come, because it always does.
67. I am shy.
But people misunderstand my nervous yakking as confidence.
68. I am a Virgo born in the year of the Dragon.
69. I love and need my vegetables.
70. People mistake me as younger than my age by a few years.
They'd usually think I am younger than I really am.
71. I have a sense of humor.
It ranges from plain weird to dirty. No, I don’t do jokes on command.
72. I love movies.
I know most Hollywood actors by name. It’s not a useful thing to know. I know.
73. I love singing.
But I don’t need Simon Cowell to tell me I have a bad voice. I never will have a good singing voice, but I love singing, so I either wait till I do get a pretty singing voice and never sing at all, or I can just sing anyway. Mostly when I am alone. Or when the stereo is on in the car, and I never exceed the sound of the stereo itself.
74. I love my mom’s cooking.
I wish I can cook like her.
75. I am a lazy ass.
76. I find solace and tranquility in a body of water.
Lakes and creeks and the sea soothes me.
77. Lying afloat in calm waters is therapeutic for me.
78. I hate massages.
Because I have a very low threshold of pain.
79. I like giving massages.
I used to give my dad massages. Oi! Nothing kinky. My dad is just that kind. He works really hard in the day time and he gets all this aches and stiffness all over. The least I can do I massage his back and rub his feet!
80. I have tonsillitis.
I would like to have my tonsils removed soon because I am sick and tired of having high fever whenever they are infected.
81. I don’t have green fingers like my mom and dad.
I can’t even grow papaya. It’s the easiest thing to grow! Just scatter the seed and watch it grow. I can’t even do that cuz they'd just die. It's like my hands have electric currents that would just kill the seeds.
82. I love learning about the English Language.
83. I love cats and dogs.
But I can only have a cat and only one cat at a time. I don’t like noisy or needy cats though.
84. I once had a gay cat.
But I loved him anyway. He died of FIV.
85. I prefer listening to English songs to Malays.
I feel that although both languages are partial to love songs, I find that the English rely more on the lyrics than excessively melancholic melodies like some Malay songs. That to me, is tiresome. But I am open to some new generation Malay songs, I heard they are quite good. But I am just a little lazy to find them myself.
86. I don’t like sharing my bed with other people except my sister.
I know I dream when I sleep, but I never remember what I dreamed. I do things when I dream. I don’t want to wake up while I am passionately embracing or kicking my bedmate.
87. I snore.
Especially loud when I am excessively tired.
88. I love every bit of my physical self.
Flabs and all. But the part I love most would be my lips.
89. My earwax is the gooey orange-colored type.
Oops! Did I just say that out loud?
90. Sometimes I have internal monologues, externally.
Which makes me look like a crazy person. Or simply a person on a hands-free kit talking on the phone.
91. I can only work at work.
I'd bring my work home to continue working when the load is too much. But I never get around to actually doing it. The home is not a conducive place for me to work. What with the TV and internet and the bedroom. Augh!
92. I do stupid things when I feel unloved and neglected.
93. I am genuinely happy when people I know are happy.
Not that I am implying that the rest of you are just faking it. I feel it to the core of my being.
94. I can be quite the green eyed monster.
95. I am a fairly tolerant person.
96. I am a nasty, nasty person when I am angry.
97. I once fell asleep in the middle of a field.
After I lied there watching the stars at night after an upsetting situation at home. My ex scolded me for being so foolish because someone might have raped me.
98. I have leg hair like a man's legs.
That’s why I keep them waxed. I don’t know why. They just are. I figured it must be something like what’s happening in the US where female teenagers have over-developed mammaries due to drinking milk from dairy cows that have been injected with hormones that promotes milk production. That sort of thing. Maybe.
99. I am over protective of my friends.
100. I can ride a 700cc Vulcan.
101. I love garlic.
Love, love, LOVE garlic.
102. Favorite ice cream flavors are chocolate and vanilla with butterscotch syrup.
103. I prefer sleeping ___________ But nevermind.