Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Some people got riled up by my comment. Poor sensitive Bambi-eyed softie at heart. You cuddly wuddly you....

Really, people should open up to new ideas. Come on, caning is not the worst thing you can do for your children.

So I wrote this comment.

Anillynnette said...

Whoa... who was that lunatic who wrote such a long comment?


Was it me? I beg your pardon, Mr Sung, for being such an eyesore on your blog comment board.

Anyways, I didn't say it is for everyone and I never said that is the kind of thing you should do on EVERY level of age. There are pros and cons of course, just as everything else in this world has its pros and cons.... But you know, I'd rather not wait till my son or daughter to start having the balls to call me B*TCH whenever I ask him or her to do simple chores just to get them involved in the care-taking of the family home for example. And I most definitely do not want to see my son zooming past the TV3's Buletin Utama camera lense like a bat out of hell on his 'kapchai', 'rempiting' his way through KL, precariously perched one-legged on the seat before I will start believing what the teachers at school say about him.

Bah, I don't have kids to brag about. But my parents had four of us, and none of us ended up like most of the kids in our neighborhood. They must have done something right.

10:30 PM

What? I did sound like a lunatic what? I so know that.

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