Saturday, July 14, 2007

can they really be for real?

I read other people's blogs. Lots of them. Most of them are written by happy gay people and their friends. Whatever makes you happy.

I have gay friends. While I do not condone what they do, and sometimes, do make the mistake of slipping into preacher mode from time to time, I can see why they make such good friends and make such great company. And I do enjoy and miss my gay friends more than I miss my straight friends sometimes. But really, there is more than enough of my lurve to go around and then some.

Anyway, that is not what I wanted to write about.

I have been reading other people's blog. As I said. Married people. Friends and strangers. I love being their silent reader. Does it make me pathetic that I actually feel happy for these people? Immensely happy for them even when I don't know who they are? What is it that makes me want to feel happy for them?

Right this moment, I am rethinking of the point that I am trying to make in making this entry.

Yeah loh, I am happy because these people have met their soulmate.

I am already too cynical about men and dating. Then I got myself involved with questionable men. That just made it even worse for my already skewed view of what real men are and how they normally act in a real relationship.

Please, if you are reading this, tell me if this is true or false. Are men really capable of loving a woman with all his heart, till death do they part?

p/s : i am truly, honestly happy for these people and i truly believe that they have met their soulmates and i truly believe that they are truly committed to their spouses....

pp/s : i am very cynical kan? kesian dia kalau dia betul-betul ikhlas.


Svejjen said...

1) Men are beasts, and I'm man enough to say it. Men think with what's between their legs, and go for the fast, easy, and painless solution. The probelm is that what they perceive to be the fast, easy and painless solution is more often then not, the worst possible solution they can make.

2) Love for a man does not equate to hugging and kissing. It is simply a matter of whom can he cheat long enough, in all sense of the word. Think about that for a minute before you make up your mind.

3) Love DOES exist, but remember there are MANY kinds of love.

Narcissca Ariadne Alvarez said...

Wah, Svejjen, is that reverse psychology? I am not that irreversibly damaged yet...

But thanks for leaving a comment. And yes, it is hard for anyone to cure me.

So, is it me, or him?
