Saturday, May 2, 2009

panggilan pulau

Aku d Pulau Manukan. Snorkelling. Finally berani snorkekling tanpa life jacket. Self-taught, ok? Ikan macam pelangi. The funny thing is, as I was spending the last half hour swimming on d surface, there was a bunch of little fish in a cluster that swam underneath me. Macam shelter. I was not flailing I guess.

Dah berapa tahun sejak aku bawa W ke sini. Lebih 5 tahun rasanya.

I wish you were here, baby sister.


Kucing Cumil said...

Huhuhu, YEAH!!! We can be a pair of puffer fish that floats on the surface. Seriously!!!!

Hari tu, Jimmy Shandley yang host Trek Selebriti tu stayed at Dragon Inn, for one of the episode because one of the latest AF contestant tu from Semporna. That sure bring back memory. I miss our crazy long road trips. Looking back, its damn dangerous but can we ever change the experience for something else? Never.

I miss you like crazy! Its nuts us sisters so attached like this huh? I applied for leave on the day you flying back, I will fix the air conditioning before picking you up. We have to go to Melaka on Saturday remember?! ^_~ For once, I want to get there with my make up and hair do still intact, huhuhu.

BTW, I do think you are one ass kicking Penolong Kanan OK! I wish I can be as ass kicking as you are at work, my staff really pisses me off sometimes.

Narcissca Ariadne Alvarez said...

Thank you for the vote of confidence. :-) I'll keep doing my best as long as I am here.

The trip to Semporna was crazy fun. Crazy, crazy fun. There were times when I could have killed us all in the car. Remember? I just got that car and I was driving it like crazy. Well, I still drive like crazy. But they were all very sweet memories. I wish we could turn back time.

And take you snorkelling. we can go together gether. aiyaaaaaa!!! bila lagi la dapat pergi ni!!!!

Aku kick ass eh? Blush blush. Perasan mak. You should try being more garang at work. Up to a point. You are a too nice of a boss. Sakit ati je aku tengok ko handle your staff.

And I am officially envious of your new Man...

Where can I get one? Hehehehe...

tubik said...

ish ish ish. where's the photos?