Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Of being rid of them crazies

The months just came and went. 
Like the wind.
It's now June.
It didn't feel like anything.
Had I been living my life in a haze?

Maybe I had been concentrating too much on my inner suffering that I just let my days pass by, not wanting to acknowledge them.

Not wanting to acknowledge how worthless everything seemed to me those days.

Or how worthless, hopeless and helpless I had felt through those days.

But, as the chemicals in our brains would have it, they can' stay imbalanced forever.
So here I am. Feeling balanced again. After two years of mental and spiritual suffering.
Finally, my body thinks it has had enough of the reflux of the bad hormones. 
The one that makes me hear voices and the one that makes me want to end my life.

Those are some bad chemicals.
Glad I am rid of them.

Glad I am finally rid of them
I hope.

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