Saturday, August 14, 2010


This year is better for me, definitely. Especially when it comes to friends.

This year I have been brought closer to people whom I really appreciate having in my life. They make life worth living again. In Lawas, that is.

Last year, I came to know Nurul and Yo. They prove to be great people to have in good times and bad. And when the fun begins, it's always the best. Then earlier this year, Ain came in and joined us at this house. Last but not at all the least, Anim too eventually came to stay.

Then, there was Safri. I know, he's just a fling. At least for me he is. He's funny, charming, patient, and he likes having conversations with me. Most of the time he talks, but that's just fine, because I enjoy listening to his life's stories. He is way more interesting than I am and I have ran out of stories to tell. So I am quite content being the one listening, for the first time in my life, I have met a guy who is more interesting than myself. That just goes to show that I don't meet men much. Hahaha....

And then, there was Sapri. He's hilarious. He has a motormouth that does not stop talking especially when he's excited or nervous, I guess. Like me when I was younger. But he is such a people pleaser, he never says anything hurtful. He is just that kind of nice. First thing he ever complimented me was that he can't believe that I was 34. He thought I was 24. Gosh, if I was that kind of conceited, I would have believed him.

So, I do wish that they can read this. I just wanna tell them that although I don't tell them how much I do appreciate them being in my life as my departure draws closer, I want them to know that no matter where I'll be, they will always be in my heart, for they are the reasons that have restored my faith in friends.

Terima kasih kerana mengingatkan akak betapa berharganya persahabatan. Semoga kalian berjaya dan terus makmur di dalam apa jua bidang yang kalian ceburi. Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umur dan murahkanlah rezeki mereka. Limpahkanlah rahmatmu ke atas mereka. Amin.

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