Bila orang dah pressure, kita tambah lagi pressure dia, memanglah kita akan rasa bersalah. Jadi kita keluarkan diri kita dari lingkaran tekanan dia supaya berkuranganlah tekanan yang dialaminya.
Maka kita bagi dia cuti sms dan call sehari.
Kita duduk rumah biarkan dia tenang or at least kurangkan satu punca gangguan. Berharap benarlah dia dapat tumpukan perhatian terhadap kerja.
Sampai malam. No communication. Sampai Tn. tanya mana si M?! Call tak dapat.
I started wonderinf what was going on. I tried messaging. No reply. A notification bounced back to me saying the message will be delivered once the line is switched back on. Both numbers were turned off. Wtf?!
All sorts of things began ramming itself against the draw bridge gate of my mind trying to get in and make me think the worst.
I tried messaging every one in the group that was was with him on the trip. No one answered. Called everyone. All cellphones were turned off or out of reach. Wtf?!?!?
I called my father-in-law and he told me that there were brake problems. He could not reach Kuching that night.
Oh my Gawd!!!! Is he dead?!?!
And I started crying because we never lost communication like that before and I felt so useless and helpless. And I didn't know what to do.
I started rambling on FB. Until a friend asked me to quit for the night, pray and go to sleep. She'll talk to me in the morning.
Since there is nothing I can do but those, I did exactly those.
When I woke up this morning my eyes were glued shut by that green goop. My eyelashes got stuck together! What the hell happened last night that my eyes were so badly swollen and red and so messed up?!
I bathed and washed my eyes with some optrex and had breakfast.
Oh about my sayang? He got stuck in the mud with the boys at that place where he said he would be spending the day. And the brakes broke and they are still waiting for some heavy machinery to come and pull them out of the mud. He slept in the truck and had crackers for breakfast. God knows if they have water.
He almost killed me with worry. It serves him right that he had to sleep in the truck and had crackers for breakfast. I was worried sick!
Never ever cut communications no matter how bad things are.
Lesson learned.
Objective achieved.